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Overstock Guy More Dangerous To Democracy Than Pillow Guy

The January 6 committee report and former Republican Congressman Denver Riggleman's book "The Breach: The Untold Story of the Investigation into January 6th" stated there were 2 key people who's texts, emails and calls revealed the most information. 1) Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and 2) Patrick Byrne the bizarrely crazy ex-CEO of (Read This).Wait, I had heard about overstock at the White House but I mainly remember The Pillow Guy. Why is that? What do I know about this ex-Overstock Executive and why would he be at the White House before J6 Insurrection about Voting Machines and Fraud. Here is an excerpt about it from the Washington Post:

"Byrne’s involvement in efforts to overturn the election were revealed Tuesday during the committee’s hearing. The former furniture industry executive joined lawyers Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, as well as former national security adviser Michael Flynn, in the Oval Office on Dec. 18, 2020, days after the electoral college certified that Joe Biden had won the presidential election. While many of Trump’s legal advisers had accepted that he had lost the election, Byrne and others were pushing an idea that the president could use the National Guard to seize voting machines." (Article here).

I did not know who the Overstock CEO was or why he's hanging around Trump, Trump's "best" people and the White House. It turns out I had totally missed something severely wacky.

If you don't know was once $2.2B company that eventually couldn't compete as Amazon and Wayfair took over the scene. It all started out when Patrick Byrne bought the company for about $7 Million when it declared bankruptcy in 1999. At first the idea was to sell surplus or returned stuff online. So far so good. What could go wrong? In fact here's an old commerical, by 2010 it reported its first billion dollar year but then to goes bad. Google punished Patrick Byrnes's company for paying 10% discounts to professors and students if universities embedded links to on their websites. Google suppressed their position in the search results. Read bout it here.

Patrick Byrne's evidence-gathering activities have not been as widely reported on. However, his role as the key link between Trump insiders and the people responsible for attacking the Capitol is crucial to understanding what triggered the January 6th attack and why Trump would align himself with this particular kook.

Byrne was a frequent visitor to the White House during the period leading up to January 6th. This is not news. This is not scooping anybody. More focus and more double-take's must be lasered on this tragic, endlessly paranoid, stark raving mad internet bitcoinnish moof milker executive gyrating around President Trump and his befogged little buddy Rudy Guiliani. Watch this total bizarre public meltdown on Fox and then come back here. He resigned from because he was doing stuff that was actually hurting the company's representation. He was romantically involved with Maria Butina. He confessed he was canoodling with her publicly.

You remember her, she was the Russian agent "honey pot" that ran around with guns and cleavage for Chik-Fil-A red-faced executives, the head of the NRA, Sen. Rick Santorum and GOP, Gov. Bobby Jindal, appeared on the popular radio show of Religious Right activist Eric Metaxas. Read this. Butina also funded for the outrageous 2015 trip in where many NRA big wigs like David Keene, NRA mega-donor Joe Gregory, and NRA President Pete Brownell. They all went to Moscow to meet with Russian officials under U.S. sanction. Also on the trip: and infamous ex-Sheriff David Clarke. (Read the wiki, it's nuts). Since we are here, remember when Deene was tricked into giving a commencement speech to empty chairs that represented the over 3000 highschoolers killed by gun violence. Here is more about Butina.

Then she was sentenced for acting as a foreign agent. You know who sentenced her? U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, the same Judge currently presiding over Special Prosecutor 4 felony charges against Trump in D.C. (Here is the article). What's even weirder is that "Reuters previously reported Butina was a public Trump supporter who bragged at Washington parties she could use her political connections to help people land jobs in his administration." When Butina went back to Motherland Russia she got a heroes welcome. She also was elected to Russia's Congress or Duma. (Read this). Patrick Byrne's lust couldn't be quenched and he admitted to sending large sums of money to Butina in 2020-2021. What? The same guy that helped create Trump's wacky scheme to steal the election with drunken Guiliani has been sending money to a Convicted Russian Agent? What's Byrne Brain doing consulting with an American President? What did the secret service see? What do the visitor logs say.

According to the book by a J6 investigator Byrne provided fake research to High Ranking Trump lawyers to support overturning the election? Dominion's defamation lawsuit revealed the reason: Byrne was a shareholder/investor in alternative voting programs. Greed. He probably gave Trump and his henchmen what they wanted in return for a promise to replace Dominion voting systems with his company's voting systems. Quid pro quo. I help you steal the election, we blame Dominion and then you give the contracts regarding voting to me. Here are the allegations from Dominion lawsuit against Byrne: "Patrick Byrne is a resident of Utah. In 1999, Byrne became the Chief Executive Officer of Overstock. Id. Starting in 2014, Byrne directed Overstock's investments in several blockchain-based companies, including some that focused on using blockchain technology in elections." (U.S. Dominion, Inc. v. Byrne, 600 F. Supp. 3d 24 (D.D.C. 2022)).

"Byrne’s research wasn’t just key to providing content for right-wing media and rationales for violent threats. It also formed the core of Powell’s legal argument. She released the Kraken of Dominion conspiracy theories on November 19, 2020, when she and Giuliani held a press conference to make their case." Riggleman, Denver. The Breach: The Untold Story of the Investigation into January 6th (pp. 195-196). Henry Holt and Co.. Kindle Edition.

Editorial note: Byrnes looks like a cross between Robert Redford and Willem Defoe.

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