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Supreme Court Justice's Unstable Wife Texting QAnon Stuff To Georgia RICO Defendants Before J6

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

The sketchiest thing about J6 attack is that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's wife texted Senior White House Executives wild conspiracy theories to encourage the overthrow of the American government. On December 31, 2020, just days before the J6 attack, Trump Attorney Kenneth Chesebro emailed Trump's legal team that they wanted to framed things so that US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas could write the opinion that would stay the election because Georgia was in doubt. (Article Here). Clarence Thomas is from Georgia but that's not why Trump Attorney Kenneth Chesebro wanted to Clarence Thomas to make the Trump election decision. It is because Clarence Thomas's wife, Virginia "Ginni" Thomas drank the QAnon Kool-Aid. The Supreme Court Justice's wife emailed WH Chief of Staff Mark Meadows at all hours really crazy stuff for instance:

Clarence Thomas's wife's texts to team Trump are well-documented. Below is a timeline of Ginni Thomas's texts to Mark Meadows.

November 5, 2020 she wrote:

“I hope this is true; never heard anything like this before; or even a hint of it. Possible??? TRUMP STING w CIA Director Steve Pieczenik The Biggest Election Story in Possible??? TRUMP STING w CIA Director Steve Pieczenik The Biggest Election Story in History, QFS-BLOCKCHAIN 7 min video,” (Note: the presence of all these question marks could be actual question marks or emojis. Emojis can be turned into question marks when text messages are converted into basic text. Either way it's wacko.)

Who is Steve Pieczenik? He is someone who went onto Info Wars, yes, that Info Wars and claimed that Trump was playing in a role in a sting operation with the CIA regarding the US Presidential election. Watch the video. (Video Here). Read the description on YouTube. It's nuts. Here is the Wiki of Steve R. Pieczenik. (Wiki here). Read his bio down towards the bottom. The first part confirms that he worked for the state department, then his credentials get nutty, inconsistent, strange and then ends with Info Wars. He also was a business partner of Tom Clancy. Very weird. But towards the end he claimed: "After the 2020 United States presidential election, Pieczenik appeared on InfoWars claiming that the Trump administration had permitted the Democratic Party to engage in election fraud as a "sting operation" facilitated by a "QFS blockchain encryption code" on every ballot."

Are you feeling the craziness of this? Trump tricked the whole Democratic party and has proof through watermarked blockchain on every ballot. Trump has yet to reveal this proof to anybody, especially when it would have really helped him. But at the time Ginni Thomas bought the whole thing and was telling WH Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about it. A guy in a Hawaiian shirt went on Info Wars and revealed the biggest covert operation in modern history and that was good enough for Ginni Thomas.

(Mark Meadows and Ginni Thomas)

She texted more:

“The QFS blockchain watermarked ballots in over 12 states have been part of a huge Trump & military white hat sting operation in 12 key battleground states where 20,000+ natl guard were deployed; Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc) are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition,”

Look at her last sentence above. She believed Biden and a whole bunch of co-conspirators were being arrested and sent to GITMO. This person had the President's direct ear. She was regurgitating QANON talk of a coming “storm.” (BBC Podcast Introduction to QANON, here.)

Here is a description of QANON from NPR:

"QAnon is less a baseless conspiracy theory than an umbrella of many baseless conspiracy theories, but it centers on a belief that there is a shadowy cabal of pedophilic, satanic world leaders. For years, a mysterious figure called Q has issued promises that this cabal is on the verge of being exposed and defeated by Trump in a cataclysmic event that QAnon calls "the Storm."" (Article Here).

On November 6, 2020, Ginni Thomas texted Meadows:

“Do not concede. It takes time for the army who is gathering for his back,”

Excuse me, what? She's talking about an "army" that is "gathering" for Trump's "back." No wonder the Trump Lawyers wanted her husband to decide on delaying the election. Clarence Thomas was sleeping, eating, sitting next to a QANON nut. In fact, when the January 6 committee subpoenaed all the White House texts, emails and documents, do you know who is the one Justice that voted to block the request? Clarence Thomas. 8-1. Clarence Thomas was the only Supreme Court Justice that voted to make these texts, emails public. I wonder why? I wonder if Thomas had a conflict of interest because he knew what his wife had been doing all along. (Article Here). Remember Clarence Thomas has been found to be wrongfully influenced by gifts from fat cat conservatives. (Article Here). All the while his wife is sending conspiracy shenanigans to the White House. The White House wants to stop the election process. The White House lawyers think Clarence Thomas is the Supreme Court Justice that might give them the exact legal order they want to keep Trump in power. I wonder what makes Trump attorneys so sure which way Clarence Thomas will vote?

Then around November 9, 2020 Thomas's wife Ginni texted Mark Meadows:

“Mark, I wanted to text you and tell you for days you are in my prayers!!” wrote Thomas. “Know the grassroots wants Truth to prevail over Lies!!! […] Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!! The Left tastes their power!!! […] You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.”

Meadows responded. “I will stand firm. We will fight until there is no fight left. Our country is too precious to give up on. Thanks for all you do,”

Thomas’s replied “Tearing up and praying for you guys!!!!!???????????????? So proud to know you!!??????”

This is all very unhinged. Very. At the top levels too. Frightening.

Ginni Thomas texted Meadows again on November 10, 2020:

“House and Senate guys are pathetic too … only 4 GOP House members seen out in street rallies with grassroots … Gohmert, Jordan, Gosar and Roy … where the heck are all those who benefited by Presidents coattails?!!!??” . . .It is such a messaging war game/ information warfare being played to keep the truth from coming out. A Heist!”

On November 13, 2020 Mrs. Supreme Court Justice messaged Meadows again:

“Just forwarded to yr gmail an email I sent Jared this am. Sidney Powell & improved coordination now will help the cavalry come and Fraud exposed and America saved.?? Don’t let her and your assets be marginalized instead … help her be the lead and the face?!?”

On November 13, 2020 Mrs. Supreme Court Justice messaged Meadows again:

“? The most important thing you can realize right now is that there are no rules in war. You destroy your enemy’s ability to fight. This is what is happening right now—this war is psychological. PSYOP. It’s what I did in the military. They are using every weapon they have to try to make us quit, to give up on our system of government and processes. They try to break our will to fight through demoralization, discouragement, division, chaos and gaslighting. It is fake, fraud and if people would take a deep breath and look at things through that filter we will see this through and win. The Constitution is on our side and it is worth fighting for. I believe in it. Our Founders and even those facing Omaha Beach have done MUCH more than we have since Election Day. I would suggest we all think in those terms because if we don’t, and we allow this massive fraud to stand, we’ve lost our country anyway.-Connie Hair, Nov 13??????”

On November 19, 2020, at 3:31 a.m. Ginni sent another message telling Meadows:

“Mark, (don’t want to wake you!) The intense pressures you and our President are now experiencing are more intense than Anything Experienced (but I only felt a fraction of it in 1991). At stake: truth, evidence, facts and America. Or will lies win?!”

Ginni Thomas was investigated by the January 6 committee when these texts came to light. (Article Here). Donald Trump, Mark Meadows and Sidney Powell were all people Ginni Thomas communicated with right before January 6, 2021. Trump Lawyer Kenneth Chesebro wanted to get Ginni's husband to make a legal order to delay the election results and transfer of power. Donald Trump, Mark Meadows, Sydney Powell and Trump Lawyer Kenneth Chesebro are named defendants in Georgia's criminal RICO case for trying to steal the election. (Article Here). It really makes you think.

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